Dr Terawan, Dendritic Immunotherapy Nusantara

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Dr Terawan, Dendritic Immunotherapy Nusantara

Rabu, 21 April 2021

60menit.co.id | Dr Terawan.


Article by : Zeng Wei Jian

60MENIT.co.id, Jakarta | Covid-19 bukan "shape shifter" seperti virus flu. Tapi bisa menjadi "vaccine resistant". President Rockefeller University, Joshua Lederberg (1988) mengingatkan: "When it comes to infectious disease, the laws of Darwin are as important as the vaccines of Pasteur". 

The Virus Won’t Stop Evolving When the Vaccine Arrives. David A. Kennedy dan Andrew F. Read dari Pennsylvania State University mengatakan, "But vaccines won’t put an end to the evolution of this coronavirus. Instead, they could even drive new evolutionary change." 

Resistensi virus disebut "viral escape". Bakteria & virus terus mengalami mutasi. Evolving new characteristics. 

The Covid-19 pandemic is a worldwide crisis, that requires a worldwide solution. 

"It’s very, very expensive to build one of these vaccine facilities," kata Jo Walton, analyst at Credit Suisse. 

Vaksin Covid-19 yang dikembangkan Rusia & China menggunakan the whole virus particles, inactivated or attenuated, to spark an immune system response. 

Pfizer dan Moderna fokus pada fewer target yaitu "spike protein" to generate a broad immune response. UK drugmaker memproses mRNA flatform vaccine. Menargetkan many strains of virus at once. Tahun 2022 akan avaible on market. 

Belum ada Vaksin Covid-19 seperti "tetanus shot" yang sanggup membangkitkan immune system sehingga mampu produksi 100 different antibodies. 

Satu tahun lalu, bisnis vaksin masi dinilai “stable, good businesses” but unsexy. “Now that’s all changed, investors are paying more attention,” kata Laura Sutcliffe, an analyst at UBS. 

Produksi vaksin dipercepat. GlaxoSmithKline butuh 30 tahun menciptakan Vaksin Malaria. Covid's mRNA based vaccine diapprove hanya dalam waktu 12-18 bulan. "Very aggressive," kata Ken Frazier, Merck’s chief executive. 

For the interlopers, the crisis was an opportunity. Ahli Vaksin Peter Hotez dari Baylor College of Medicine mengatakan they had more to gain, so pushed hard for regulatory acceptance and financial support from governments.  

Para predator kesehatan menghisap dana negara sekaligus mengendalikan pemerintah. 

Proto-vaksin tersedia, dunia menghadapi dilema lain: "catastrophic moral failure". 

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (WHO) menyatakan "It was not fair for younger, healthy people in richer nations to get injections before vulnerable people in poorer states". 

Approach "me-first" negara kaya trigger kenaikan harga vaksin & mendorong praktek penimbunan. Lebi dari 180 negara unite as one bloc di "Covax initiative". Memperkuat bargain saat negosiasi dengan drug companies. 

Nyata. Klir. Negara dan pemerintahan dunia dikendalikan irama globalis big pharmacy. 

Kombinasi drugs dan treatment bisa lebi efektif karena it unleashes a multipronged attack. Seperti HIV treatment. Ketergantungan pada pabrik vaksin bisa dikurangi. 

The logical path would have been to open-source all research on treatments and vaccines. Sharing pengetahuan soal vaksin, treatments dan protokol pencegahan akan menguntungkan kemanusiaan. 

Dendritic Immunotheraphy Nusantara (Dinus) is Indonesian homegrown therapy. Bisa jadi solusi. Setelah vaksin, dunia tergantung pada Dr Terawan. 

Bpom sebaiknya koperatif. Tangkap 100 komprador asing yang memaksakan protokol vaksin diterapkan pada immunotheraphy dendritic. Mereka kena pasal crime against humanity.